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Kuzma Vladimirov
Kuzma Vladimirov

Download Data 1836 Rar

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We are pleased to announce the release of host-level and domain-level web graphs based on the published crawls of May, June, and July 2017. These graphs, along with ranked lists of hosts and domains, follow on our first host-level web graph (February, March, April 2017). Detailed information about the data formats, the processing pipeline, our objectives, and credits can be found in the prior announcement.

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Sequence analysis was performed using the Sequencher 4.5 program. BioEdit software was used to identify the ScBx6L318 and ScBx7L318 genes in positive BAC clones. SoftBerry/FGENESH/Monocot plants (generic, corn, rice, wheat, barley), ( ), (Solovyev 2007) software was employed to determine the structure of the analysed genes. The I-TASSER program was used to create a structure model of proteins encoded by the ScBx6L318, ScBx6Lo7, ScBx6-likePICASSO, ScBx7L318, and ScBx7Lo7 genes ( -TASSER/), (Zhang 2008; Roy et al. 2010; Yang et al. 2015). The cDNA sequences were changed into amino acid sequences and subjected to I-TASSER analysis. Out of the five models, the greatest scoring I-TASSER model was chosen based on the C-score.Footnote 1 Phylogenetic trees were constructed based on the cds of genes encoding dioxygenases and O-methyltransferases from the NCBI and ENA databases. These were created with the use of the MEGA6 program (Tamura et al. 2013), Neighbor Joining algorithm (Saitou and Nei 1987), and the Maximum Composite Likelihood method (Nei and Kumar 2000), with a bootstrap (Felsenstein 1985) value of 1000. The other applications applied in the bioinformatic analysis were:

The ScBx6L318 and ScBx6Lo7 genes, based on the bioinformatic prediction, contained three exons and two introns. However, based on Frey et al. (2003), and in accordance with our results of the maize genome analysis deposited in the NCBI database (GCF_000005005.2, 6.09.2018), the ZmBx6 gene has no introns. The ZmBx6 gene seemed to be unique in the Bx6 ortholog group given that the other Bx genes have at least one intron. On the basis of our comparative analysis of these sequences and the genomes of several Poaceae species, it was determined that Bx6-like genes in Ae. tauschii and S. italica had two introns, and in S. bicolor none (data not shown). The cds of ScBx6L318, ScBx6PICASSO, and ZmBx6 were identical in length (1125 bp), in contrast to ScBx6Lo7, in which the cds was 12 bp longer.

Based on the bioinformatic prediction, ScBx7L318ScBx7Lo7 both have two exons and one intron. Blast analysis of the ZmBx7 gene sequence (GenBank Acc. No. EU192149) against the maize genome in the NCBI database (GCF_000005005.2, 6.09.2018) proved that the ZmBx7 gene also had the same structure (two exons and one intron). The gene cds in both rye lines was 1098 bp, while for ZmBx7 it was 1161 bp. Both the ScBx7L318 and ScBx7Lo7 genes showed 72% identity to the ZmBx7 gene at the cds level. The great resemblance of the coding sequence, its length, and the same structure of the ScBx7L318,ScBx7Lo7, and ZmBx7 genes allowed us to assume that these genes are orthologs and have the same function. The catalytic properties of BX7 have been known so far only in maize. Both the ScBx7L318 and ScBx7Lo7 genes encoded a protein 26 amino acids less than ZMBX7 (365 vs 391), and showed a similarity of 45% at 99% coverage. The SCBX7L318 and SCBX7Lo7 protein models had differences in the arrangement of two α- and β-helixes, the source of which were six SNPs associated with non-conservative substitutions (AlaL318/ProLo7, ThrL318/AlaLo7, SerL318/AsnLo7, LysL318/ArgLo7, AsnL318/LysLo7, ThrL318/SerLo7) within the first exon. Structural elements such as elongated and/or additional α-helixes could be related to differences in activity and enzymatic efficiency in relation to their orthologs, and requires further research.

The phylogenetic analysis of the cds of genes encoding dioxygenases revealed that the ScBx6L318, ScBx6Lo7, ScBx6-likePICASSO, and TaBx6-like genes are orthologs of ZmBx6, although in the case of the TaBx6-like genes more experimental data will be necessary to determine their function.

Data Availability: Micromucleus (MN) assay data, qPCR and Western blotting data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files. The gene expression profiling files are available from the GEO database (accession number GSE 59863)(

MN tests were performed to assess the chromosome aberrations in each group. Briefly, the cells were trypsinized and digested at 3 h after irradiation, and 5104 cells were seeded in every well of the 6-well cell culture plate. Cytochalasin B (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, US) was added into the culture medium with a final concentration of 2.5 μg/ml and the cells were then returned into the incubator. After 48 h, the cells were rinsed with PBS solution, fixed in 2% paraformaldehyde for 20 min, stained with acridine orange for 3 min and rinsed with PBS solution for 10 min. At least 1000 binucleate cells were examined and the number of cells with micronuclei was scored in each sample under a fluorescence microscope (Leica DMI 4000B, Germany). The frequency of cells with micronuclei (FMN) was calculated as: FMN = the number of cells with micronuclei / the number of binucleate cells examined. Statistical analysis was performed on the means of the data obtained from three independent experiments. Statistical significance was assessed through t-rests or one-way ANOVA where appropriate.

All microarray data analysis was performed in R ( with multiplex packages involving Affymtriex and Angilent platforms for data analysis and statistical analysis in Bioconductor. The initial data quality was assessed by the background level, RNA quality, and pair-wise correlation among the samples.

For the PrimeView Chip, the customized CDF file (version 17, ENTREZG) downloaded from the BrainArray website was performed in probe set mapping [46, 47]. IQR was used for raw data filtering with the genefilter package; with the threshold set to remove intensities lower than 20% of the IQR global intensity. Normalization was performed with the RMA algorithm which included the global background adjustment and quantile normalization. Empirical Bayes moderation of the standard error and Benjamini and Hochberg false-discovery rate correction for multiple testing were employed, as implemented in the limma package [48]. Differentially expressed genes were identified with threshold fold changes of more than 1.2 and p values smaller than 0.05. 041b061a72

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