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Vicki Vogue

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since this issue was announced, i've been going by the local book stores to try and buy this issue for vogue for my mother. I call them every day, but it must be very popular, because no sign of it in the Twin Cities.

When a trend returns to vogue, I love to hit the resale shops, antique markets and my own attic to rediscover pieces that can be recycled into my decor. Vintage furniture can be reupholstered or slipcovered in durable Sunbrella white canvas fabric. Metal tables and lamps can be spray painted in a flat gold finish. Wooden chests and armoires with a coat of white enamel paint and new gold hardware are affordably returned to action.

While the campaign for states' rights is in vogue across the country, in Utah, it's a war. From Day 1, when browbeaten Utahns were made to give up a number of Mormon traditions to achieve statehood, the state's disdain for the federal government has been a defining part of its character. 59ce067264

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