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Darek Rowiński
Darek Rowiński

Sidra Intersection.full.rar

Sidra Intersection: A Powerful Software for Traffic Engineering and Analysis

Sidra Intersection is a micro-analytical software used by transport professionals in more than 90 countries across the globe. It is a tool for the design and evaluation of single intersections and networks of intersections, including signals, roundabouts, sign control and pedestrian crossings. It is based on more than 40 years of leading research and development in traffic engineering and operations.

The latest version of Sidra Intersection is Version 9.1, which was released in May 2020. It offers enhanced lane-based models for more powerful traffic design analysis, as well as various extensions on the capabilities of the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) procedures. It also allows for modelling of diverse movement classes, such as bus priority lanes, bicycle lanes, and so on. It includes extensive treatment of signalised and unsignalised pedestrian crossings, as well as environmental assessment of fuel consumption and pollutant emissions. Sidra Intersection can handle complex networks of up to 50 sites, with advanced signal timing and coordination features.


Sidra Intersection is available for download from the official website of Sidra Solutions, the company that develops and supports the software. Customers who had valid cover at the time of release can download their free version of Sidra Intersection 9. The software requires a license key to activate, which can be purchased online or through a local distributor. Sidra Solutions also provides training courses, webinars, technical support, and consultancy services for Sidra Intersection users.

However, some people may try to download Sidra Intersection illegally from unauthorised sources, such as torrent sites or file-sharing platforms. One example of such a source is "sidra intersection.full.rar", which is a compressed file that claims to contain the full version of Sidra Intersection 9. This file may be infected with malware or viruses, or may not work properly or at all. Downloading Sidra Intersection from such sources is not only unethical, but also risky and illegal. It may expose the user's computer to security threats, damage the user's data or system, or result in legal consequences.

Therefore, it is strongly recommended that anyone who wants to use Sidra Intersection should download it only from the official website of Sidra Solutions, or from a trusted and authorised distributor. This way, they can ensure that they are getting a safe, reliable, and legal version of the software, as well as access to the latest updates, features, and support.

Sidra Intersection is a powerful software for traffic engineering and analysis that can help transport professionals with their projects and tasks. It is a product of years of research and development in the field of traffic engineering and operations. It offers a range of features and capabilities that can handle various types of intersections and networks. It is available for download from the official website of Sidra Solutions, or from a local distributor. Downloading Sidra Intersection from unauthorised sources, such as "sidra intersection.full.rar", is not only unethical, but also risky and illegal. Users should avoid such sources and download Sidra Intersection only from the official website or a trusted distributor.

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