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Ahmad Gromov
Ahmad Gromov

Subtitle Tarzan

LOVE, ETC. (NOT RATED) Director: Marion Vernoux. With Charlotte Gainsbourg, Charles Berling, Yves Attal. (105 min.) ++ A love triangle develops when a mans best friend gets a crush on his attractive new wife. Although theres nothing particularly memorable about the story, its stylishly shot and has appealing echoes of Franois Truffauts classic Jules and Jim. French with English subtitles.

subtitle tarzan

THE LOVERS ON THE BRIDGE (NOT RATED) Director: Los Carax. With Juliette Binoche, Denis Lavant, Klaus-Michael Grber. (125 min.) ++++ Controversy swirled around the 1991 premire of this unique French production, which expends lavish resources on a tale of romance between two homeless misfits whore very hard to like. What makes it worthwhile are its hugely energetic performances, its utterly unpredictable story, and the explosive visual ideas of director Carax, a wildly inventive filmmaker who refuses to play by any rules but his own. Originally called Les Amants de Pont- Neuf. French with English subtitles.

THE RED VIOLIN (NOT RATED) Director: Franois Girard. With Samuel L. Jackson, Greta Scacchi, Don McKellar, Jean-Luc Bideau. (130 min.) +++ This omnibus-style film traces the fictional history of a superbly crafted violin, and the mystery attached to it, as it passes from 17th-century Italy to China during the Cultural Revolution, with stops in Austria and England along the way. Movies in this genre are often made with more attention to international marketing than first-rate storytelling, but Girard invests each episode of this Canadian production with dramatic credibility and emotional strength. In four languages, with English subtitles when appropriate. Sex/Nudity: 3 instances of nudity, 1 explicit sex scene. Violence: 1 mild scene. Profanity: 6 expressions. Drugs: 3 scenes with smoking.

RUN LOLA RUN (R) Director: Tom Tykwer. With Franka Potente, Moritz Bleibtreu, Nina Petri, Herbert Knaup, Armin Rohde. (81 min.) ++++ Amazingly creative filmmaking propels this anything-goes tale of a young woman who has just 20 minutes to save her boyfriends life by raising a huge amount of cash. Tykwers style gives the movie an explosive energy that never quits, marking him as the most ingenious new talent to hail from Germany in ages. Contains violent action. In German with English subtitles.

My curiosity was stirred in part because of the book I was reading, BookMarks: Reading in Black and White, A Memoir by Karla Holloway, who is the William R. Kenan Professor of English at Duke. Holloway analyzes how the books they read "marked" African-American writers from Frederick Douglass to Rita Dove. She argues that the mark of one's reading had a special meaning for those who carried a legacy of slavery and segregation. But as the subtitle confirms, her book is very much a reflection on the role that books have played in her personal history as a source of pleasure, refuge, and enlightenment. Although she is a prominent scholar whose deep literary knowledge shines throughout, Holloway writes here for the general reader. In BookMarks' most memorable passages, the narrative that charts a signal aspect of African-American literary history converges with Holloway's personal narrative in clarifying and poignant ways.

Paul Nahin has written sixteen popular math books so far.They deal with different topics: biographies, mathematical history, logic, games, probability, computation, philosophy, etc.About half of them have reviews in the EMS book review database. For the present book he collected a number of cases of physical problems that are 'behind everyday questions' as the subtitle says.Not that this kind of questions are essential to survive from day to day, but they could indeed pop up in a casual conversationor they could be raised by a curious somebody during a socializing discussion.What is meant is that you do not need to be working at CERN or be a particle physicist to wonder about the problemsthat, usually in a simplified but rigorous form, are discussed by Nahin in this book.They could for example be exercises in a physics course or be illustrations in a mathematics course.The physics required are elementary such as Archimedes' principle, Ohm's law, Newton's laws of motion, conservation laws of energy and momentum, calculating the center of mass and the momentum of a system.But their meaning and definition are recalled when needed.On the mathematical side some algebra, trigonometry, vectors, and calculus are used.With Einstein and Zemansky in mind "the problems are kept as simple as possible, but not so simple that they are simply wrong".The book also wants to illustrate that G.H. Hardy's quote "[Knowledge of] a little... physics... has no value at all in ordinary life"is definitely wrong and that mathematics is not "just a bunch of theorems, proofs and boring multiplication tables". 041b061a72

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