You Splashed My Snatch
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you splashed my snatch
I sprinkle seed along the window ledge and fill the thistle feeder. The twittering juncos and chickadees hover in the honeysuckle bushes. While I wash the breakfast dishes, titmice, house finches, and goldfinches squabble over the perches on the thistle feeder. The braver birds land on the windowsill, cock an eye at me, snatch a seed, and zip off. A blue jay rakes through the seeds in the feeder, sending a waterfall of millet to the ground where morning doves and tree sparrows peck away. While the story portrayed is unending, the antics of the actors tickle me and speed the job of washing dishes.
Created by: tricksy.foxChallenge: Runner up for the Wonderland Challenge, September 2016.Description and Equipment: It's the Jabberwocky! (Oh noooo!) In addition to those terrifying horns and that menacing tail (goblin mystery items), it has jaws that bite (wolf skin) and claws that snatch (hook claws)! Beware! The Jabberwocky is lurking under the tumtum tree (tree roots background) in the tulgey wood, waiting for some unsuspecting prey (and never imagining that prey might have a vorpal sword handy!). It's accompanied by a very frumious bandersnatch (oh my!) in the form of a shadow fox.
She plucked Garner's shirt off the ironing board, its sun-dried smellfloating up to her, paused in the kitchen and stared at him. He stood at therefrigerator, drinking from a gallon of water, a shiny stream dripping offhis chin. Some of the water drizzled onto the front of his naked chest, so heswiped a hand across his chin and neck. She admired his thick shoulders andremembered the way he used to snatch her up in his strong arms, holding herthere for awhile. She shook her head and moved to him, handing him the graywork shirt to put on.
She tossed a square, brown suitcase onto the bed and flipped the latch. Shepositioned some choice things in it: a few changes of clothes, underwear, herfamily Bible that listed when everybody had been born and died, and a pictureof little Gracie sitting on a creek bank, laughing. She wandered all throughthe house, turning off everything and closing all the blinds on the windows,remaining to stare into the dim rooms. She made one more trip to the kitchen,snatching the yellow paper out of the apron on the table. She read it again,covering her smiling mouth with her hand, and plodded over to the front door.
She took each step slow and easy, feeling like something caught at her legs,pulling them down. She stuck her ticket out and watched the bus driver snatchit away. As she tried to select a seat, her eyes fell on every face, some ofthem flat worn-out, some starved of emotion, and some just plain mean. Shesqueezed her purse into her side and made for the back of the bus, away fromso many eyes. She sat down by the window and leaned back in the seat, restingher head. When the bus hiccupped and turned onto the road, Laurie put a handon the shoulder of the seat in front of her. She watched the brick buildingson Hazard's Main Street flash by, believing this to be the wildest thingshe'd ever done. Clean getaway, she thought.
"I can still hear that Chopin funeral march," said Rick, and hummed a snatch of it. "Jesus. I mean, how do you go from loving people, from being ready to do anything for them, to hating them. I don't get it. Damn it! I'm not going to talk about this shit anymore."
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