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Austin Bell
Austin Bell

Fombellida Cirugia Mucogingival Pdf 20

Fombellida: CirugÃa Mucogingival - A Comprehensive Guide for Dental Professionals

CirugÃa Mucogingival (Mucogingival Surgery) is a book by Manuel Fombellida, a renowned periodontist and implantologist, that covers the principles and practice of mucogingival surgery, a branch of periodontics that deals with the correction of defects in the gingiva and alveolar mucosa around natural teeth and implants. The book is available in PDF format and has 20 chapters that cover topics such as anatomy, diagnosis, surgical techniques, complications, and clinical cases.

fombellida cirugia mucogingival pdf 20

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The book is intended for dental professionals who want to learn more about mucogingival surgery and its applications in various clinical situations. The book provides a comprehensive discourse of essential prosthodontic aspects and surface characteristics in the etiology and progression of the disease[^1^]. It also outlines the possibilities and epitomizes the expansion of the principles of implant surgery and prosthesis[^2^]. The book is well-illustrated with clinical examples and reviews the latest scientific evidence and innovations in the field.

Mucogingival surgery is a common challenge for any dental medicine professional, as it involves the management of soft tissue defects that can affect the aesthetics, function, and health of the teeth and implants. The book by Fombellida offers a practical clinical tool that contains extensive knowledge that the reader can translate to his daily practice. The book was conceived as a result of the author's experience and research in mucogingival surgery, as well as his teaching activities in various courses and seminars around the world.

The book can be downloaded for free from the following link: Fombellida: CirugÃa Mucogingival - PDF Download (20 MB). The book is written in Spanish, but it can be easily translated to other languages using online tools. The book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in mucogingival surgery and its benefits for dental patients.




What is mucogingival surgery?

Mucogingival surgery is a type of periodontal surgery that aims to correct defects or deformities in the gingiva (gums) and alveolar mucosa (the soft tissue covering the jawbone) around natural teeth and implants. These defects can be caused by various factors, such as trauma, infection, inflammation, aging, orthodontic treatment, or tooth extraction. Some common examples of mucogingival defects are gingival recession (the exposure of the root surface due to the loss of gum tissue), lack of keratinized tissue (the firm and resilient tissue that protects the gums from mechanical and chemical irritation), and fenestration or dehiscence (the exposure of the implant or tooth through a window or slit in the bone).

Mucogingival surgery can help to restore the health, function, and aesthetics of the teeth and implants by increasing the amount and quality of the soft tissue around them. This can improve the resistance to plaque accumulation, reduce the sensitivity and root caries, enhance the stability of the gingival margin, facilitate oral hygiene, and create a more harmonious smile. Mucogingival surgery can also improve the prognosis of the teeth and implants by preventing further tissue loss and bone resorption.

What are the types and techniques of mucogingival surgery?

There are different types and techniques of mucogingival surgery, depending on the type and severity of the defect, the location and number of teeth or implants involved, and the patient's preferences and expectations. Some of the most common types and techniques are:

  • Gingival grafts: These are procedures that involve the transplantation of a piece of gum tissue from one site (usually the palate) to another site (usually the area of recession) to cover the exposed root or implant surface and increase the width and thickness of the keratinized tissue. There are different types of gingival grafts, such as free gingival grafts, connective tissue grafts, pedicle grafts, or allografts.

  • Coronally advanced flap: This is a procedure that involves the elevation and repositioning of a flap of gum tissue from the area adjacent to the recession to cover the exposed root or implant surface. The flap is sutured in a more coronal position (closer to the crown of the tooth or implant) to achieve root coverage and increase the keratinized tissue.

  • Lateral sliding flap: This is a procedure that involves the elevation and repositioning of a flap of gum tissue from an adjacent tooth or implant with adequate keratinized tissue to cover a recession defect on another tooth or implant. The flap is moved laterally (sideways) along the dental arch and sutured over the exposed root or implant surface.

  • Tunnel technique: This is a minimally invasive procedure that involves the creation of a tunnel under the gum tissue around the teeth or implants with recession defects. A connective tissue graft or an allograft is inserted through the tunnel and positioned under the gum tissue to cover the exposed root or implant surfaces and increase the keratinized tissue.


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