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X-wing Alliance Joystick Patch

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X-wing Alliance Joystick Patch

How to Play X-wing Alliance with a Joystick on Modern Systems

X-wing Alliance is a classic Star Wars flight simulator game that was released in 1999 by LucasArts. It allows you to fly various starfighters and engage in epic space battles against the Empire. However, if you want to play it on modern systems, you may encounter some issues, such as unreadable fonts, low resolution graphics, and most importantly, the requirement of a joystick to start the game.

Fortunately, there are some solutions that can help you enjoy this game with a joystick on your PC. In this article, we will show you how to install the official patch, fix the fonts, and use a utility that can emulate a joystick if you don't have one.

Step 1: Install the Official Patch

The first thing you need to do is to install the official patch 2.02 for X-wing Alliance. This patch fixes some bugs and improves compatibility with newer systems. You can download it from here [^3^] or here [^1^]. Just run the executable file and follow the instructions.

Step 2: Fix the Fonts

The next step is to fix the fonts in the game. On modern systems, the fonts may appear garbled and unreadable, making it hard to follow the mission objectives and dialogues. To fix this, you need to download a file called FONTS.DAT from here [^2^] and place it in the RESDATA folder of your game installation (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Lucasarts\X-Wing Alliance). Overwrite the existing file when prompted.

Step 3: Use a Joystick Emulator

The final step is to use a joystick emulator if you don't have a physical joystick. X-wing Alliance requires a joystick to start the game, and it won't work with keyboard or mouse controls. However, there is a utility called XWA Hacker that can emulate a joystick for you. You can download it from here [^1^]. After downloading it, unzip it and run XWAHacker.exe. Select "Joystick Emulation" from the menu and click "Apply". Then, run xwingalliance.exe with skipintro command line argument to skip the intro videos and start the game.

Now you should be able to play X-wing Alliance with a joystick on your PC. Enjoy!

Step 4: Upgrade the Graphics

If you want to enhance the graphics of X-wing Alliance, you can use a mod called X-Wing Alliance Upgrade Project. This mod replaces the original low-poly models and textures with high-quality ones, making the game look much better. You can download it from here. To install it, you need to run the XWAU Installer and select the components you want to install. You can also customize the settings and options using Babu Frik's Configurator, which is included in the mod.

Step 5: Play Other Star Wars Games

If you enjoy X-wing Alliance, you may also like other Star Wars games that let you fly starfighters and participate in space combat. Some of the most popular ones are:

Star Wars: X-Wing (1993) - The first game in the series that started it all. You play as a Rebel pilot and fight against the Empire in various missions.

Star Wars: TIE Fighter (1994) - The sequel to X-Wing that lets you play as an Imperial pilot and experience the other side of the conflict.

Star Wars: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter (1997) - The third game in the series that focuses on multiplayer and skirmish modes.

Star Wars: Squadrons (2020) - The latest game in the genre that features a single-player campaign and online multiplayer modes. You can switch between first-person and third-person views and customize your starfighters.

You can find these games on various platforms, such as Steam,, Origin, or EA Play. 061ffe29dd

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