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Ahmad Gromov
Ahmad Gromov

RhinoResurf: A Powerful Tool for Free-Form Surface Modeling from Polygon Mesh

What is RhinoResurf and How to Use It?

RhinoResurf is a reverse engineering plug-in for Rhinoceros 4.0 and 5.0, a popular 3D modeling software. RhinoResurf allows users to reconstruct the geometry of an object from a mesh or point cloud that describes it. RhinoResurf can also create free-form NURBS surfaces from polygon meshes, which are useful for organic shapes and complex curves.


In this article, we will introduce some of the main features and benefits of RhinoResurf, and show you how to install and use it in Rhino.

Features and Benefits of RhinoResurf

RhinoResurf has many features that make it a powerful and versatile tool for reverse engineering and surface modeling. Some of the features are:

  • NURBS fitting with specified tolerance. RhinoResurf can fit a NURBS surface to a mesh or point cloud with a given accuracy. This means that the surface will closely match the shape of the original object, but without unnecessary details or noise. You can control the smoothness of the surface by adjusting the tolerance parameter.

  • G1 continuity transition. RhinoResurf can create multiple NURBS surfaces from a mesh or point cloud, and ensure that the transition between any two surfaces is smooth and continuous. This means that there will be no gaps or sharp edges between the surfaces, which improves the quality and appearance of the model.

  • Powerful ability to fit large scale point cloud/mesh to a single face. RhinoResurf can handle large and complex data sets, such as point clouds from laser scanning or photogrammetry. RhinoResurf can fit a single NURBS surface to a large point cloud or mesh, which reduces the file size and simplifies the model.

  • Fully automated nurbs surfaces generation. RhinoResurf can automatically generate NURBS surfaces from a selected mesh, without requiring any user input. RhinoResurf will analyze the mesh and create a curve network that defines the boundaries and features of the object. Then, RhinoResurf will fit NURBS surfaces to each region of the curve network, resulting in a complete and accurate model.

  • Free-form nurbs surface modeling from polygon mesh (.obj mesh). RhinoResurf can also create free-form NURBS surfaces from polygon meshes, such as .obj files. This feature allows users to model organic shapes and complex curves from existing meshes, without losing the continuity of the NURBS surface.

How to Install and Use RhinoResurf

To install RhinoResurf, you need to have Rhinoceros 4.0 or 5.0 installed on your computer. You can download RhinoResurf from here, and follow the instructions to load it manually at the first time. After that, RhinoResurf will automatically load itself into the Rhino environment every time you start Rhino.

To use RhinoResurf, you need to have a mesh or point cloud that represents the object you want to model. You can import your data into Rhino using the File > Import command, or use other tools to capture or generate your data. Then, you can select one of the commands from the RhinoResurf menu or toolbar, depending on what you want to do. For example:

  • If you want to fit a NURBS surface to a point cloud with specified tolerance, you can use the RsPoints2Surf command.

  • If you want to convert an open mesh model to a single NURB surface with specified tolerance, you can use the RsMesh2Surf command.

  • If you want to convert an open or closed mesh to multiple NURB surfaces with smooth transition, you can use the RsMesh2Surfs command.

  • If you want to automatically generate NURBS surfaces from a selected mesh, you can use the RsAutoNurbs command.

  • If you want to create free-form NURBS surface from polygon mesh (.obj mesh), you can use the RsFaceFromPolygon command.

For each command, you will see a dialog panel that allows you to adjust some parameters and options for the operation. You can also preview the result before applying it. After applying the command, you will have a NURBS surface (or surfaces) that matches your data.


RhinoResurf is a useful plug-in for Rhinoceros 4.0 and 5.0 that enables users to perform reverse engineering and surface modeling tasks with ease and accuracy. RhinoResurf can reconstruct the geometry of an object from a mesh or point cloud with specified tolerance, create multiple NURBS surfaces with smooth transition, generate NURBS surfaces automatically from a selected mesh, and model free-form NURBS surfaces from polygon meshes. RhinoResurf is easy to install and use, and has many features that make it a powerful and versatile tool for 3D modeling.

If you are interested in trying out RhinoResurf, you can download it from here, and enjoy a free trial period of 15 days. You can also visit the official website for more information and tutorials on how to use RhinoResurf.

How to Use RhinoResurf for Different Tasks

RhinoResurf has many commands that can help you perform different tasks related to reverse engineering and surface modeling. Here are some examples of how to use RhinoResurf for common scenarios:

How to Create NURBS Surfaces from Mesh or Point Cloud

If you have a mesh or point cloud that represents the shape of an object, you can use RhinoResurf to create NURBS surfaces that fit the data with specified tolerance. This can help you reconstruct the geometry of the object in a smooth and accurate way.

To do this, you can use one of the following commands:

  • RsPoints2Surf: This command can drape a surface over a point cloud with specified tolerance. Draping a surface is similar to laying a piece of cloth over an object. The surface is deformed to take the shape of the object along the drape direction. The drape direction is calculated automatically.

  • RsMesh2Surf: This command can convert an open mesh model to a single NURB surface with specified tolerance. The mesh is allowed to have interior holes in the model.

  • RsMesh2Surfs: This command can convert an open or closed mesh to multiple NURB surfaces. User selects a mesh, and defines a curve network by drawing lines on the selected mesh. Then just click one or two buttons, the selected mesh will be converted to multiple NURB surfaces with specified tolerance. The transition between any two NURBS surface patches reaches G1 continuity.

  • RsAutoNurbs: This command can automatically generate NURBS surfaces from a selected mesh, without requiring any user input. RhinoResurf will analyze the mesh and create a curve network that defines the boundaries and features of the object. Then, RhinoResurf will fit NURBS surfaces to each region of the curve network, resulting in a complete and accurate model.

How to Create Free-Form NURBS Surface from Polygon Mesh

If you have a polygon mesh that represents an organic shape or a complex curve, you can use RhinoResurf to create a free-form NURBS surface from it. This can help you model smooth and continuous surfaces from existing meshes.

To do this, you can use the following command:

  • RsFaceFromPolygon: This command can model free-form NURBS surface from polygon mesh (.obj file format mesh), the continuity of the NURBS surface reach exact G1 everywhere.

How to Unfold 3D Mesh/Surface into 2D Mesh/Surface

If you have a 3D mesh or surface that represents a curved or folded shape, you can use RhinoResurf to unfold it into a 2D mesh or surface. This can help you flatten the shape and see its true dimensions and proportions.

To do this, you can use one of the following commands:

  • RsrMeshFlatten: This command can unfold 3D mesh into 2D mesh.

  • RsrSurfaceFlatten: This command can unfold 3D surface into 2D surface.

How to Fill Holes by Surface with Numerical G1 Continuity

If you have a mesh or surface that has holes or gaps in it, you can use RhinoResurf to fill them with a surface that has numerical G1 continuity on the adjacent edges. This means that the surface will blend smoothly with the surrounding geometry, without creating any kinks or discontinuities.

To do this, you can use the following command:

  • RsFillHoleBySurf: This command can fill hole by surface with numerical G1 continuity on the adjacent edges. You can select a hole boundary curve or a hole boundary edge loop on a mesh or surface, and RhinoResurf will create a surface that fills the hole and matches the curvature of the adjacent edges.

How to Match Two Surfaces to be Tangent/Curvature Continuous

If you have two surfaces that meet at a common edge, but are not tangent or curvature continuous, you can use RhinoResurf to match them and make them smooth and continuous. This can help you improve the quality and appearance of your model.

To do this, you can use the following command:

  • RsSurfaceMatch: This command can match two surfaces to be tangent/curvature continuous on the common edge. You can select two surfaces and an edge that they share, and RhinoResurf will modify one or both of the surfaces to make them tangent or curvature continuous along the edge. You can choose the continuity type and the matching direction in the dialog panel.

How to Create a Mesh from Selected Point Cloud

If you have a point cloud that represents the shape of an object, but you want to create a mesh from it, you can use RhinoResurf to do that. This can help you convert your data into a more manageable and editable format.

To do this, you can use the following command:

  • RsPointCloud2Mesh: This command can create a mesh from selected point cloud. You can select a point cloud and specify some parameters, such as the mesh resolution and the smoothing factor. RhinoResurf will create a mesh that approximates the shape of the point cloud.

How to Split Curves by Their Intersection Point Position

If you have a set of curves that intersect each other, but you want to split them by their intersection points, you can use RhinoResurf to do that. This can help you create a curve network that defines the regions and features of an object.

To do this, you can use the following command:

  • RsSplitCurveNetwork: This command can split curves by their intersection point position automatically. You can select a set of curves and RhinoResurf will split them by their intersection points. You can also specify a tolerance value to control the accuracy of the splitting.


RhinoResurf is a powerful and versatile plug-in for Rhinoceros 4.0 and 5.0 that enables users to perform reverse engineering and surface modeling tasks with ease and accuracy. RhinoResurf can reconstruct the geometry of an object from a mesh or point cloud with specified tolerance, create multiple NURBS surfaces with smooth transition, generate NURBS surfaces automatically from a selected mesh, model free-form NURBS surfaces from polygon meshes, fill holes by surface with numerical G1 continuity, match two surfaces to be tangent/curvature continuous, unfold 3D mesh/surface into 2D mesh/surface, create a mesh from selected point cloud, and split curves by their intersection point position. RhinoResurf is easy to install and use, and has many features that make it a useful and reliable tool for 3D modeling.

If you are interested in trying out RhinoResurf, you can download it from here, and enjoy a free trial period of 15 days. You can also visit the official website for more information and tutorials on how to use RhinoResurf. 4e3182286b

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