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Jack Torres
Jack Torres

Oracle Db For Mac

Hello Dipika, i encountered this error as well. I am running 19c. When you start your oracle database on the virtual machine, it gives you some database information. Please check to see what those credentials are, they may be different from what was used above. Check specifically for these:

Oracle Db For Mac

What is throwing me off is your example to test using SQL and using the hr username and oracle password, is this simply a sample database? How do I set up my own database on my Mac to do my coursework?

Would it be possible to create a step by step guide on installing oracle directly on ubuntu (since running on vm is a bit slow if your machine is a bit obsolete)? There are a few articles on the internet but I failed each time I tried implementing the process.

I am trying to dowload oracle database express edition in my macbook. In the download options in Oracle website, I only see the versions for windows and Linux. Does that mean that there's no version for mac or OS?

By default, python-oracledb connects directly to Oracle Database. This letsit be used when Oracle Client libraries are not available (such Apple M1 orAlpine Linux), or where the client libraries are not easily installable (suchas some cloud environments). Note not all environments are tested.

A simple connection to the database requires an OracleDatabase user name and password and a databaseconnection string. Set the environment variables to yourvalues. For python-oracledb, the connection string is commonly of the formathostname/servicename, using the host name where the database is runningand the Oracle Database service name of the database instance. The databasecan be on-premises or in the Cloud. It should be version 12.1 or later. Thepython-oracledb driver does not include a database.

When python-oracledb is used in the default Thin mode, it connects directly tothe Oracle Database and does not require Oracle Client libraries. Connectionsin this mode can be made to Oracle Database 12.1 or later.

To use the Thick mode features of python-oracledb,additional Oracle Client libraries must be installed, as detailed in thesubsequent sections. Connections in this mode can be made to OracleDatabase 9.2, or later, depending on the Oracle Client library version.

The python-oracledb attribute Connection.thin can be used to see whatmode a connection is in. In the Thick mode, the functionoracledb.clientversion() can be used to determine which Oracle Clientversion is in use. The attribute Connection.version can be used todetermine which Oracle Database version a connection is accessing. These canthen be used to adjust the application behavior accordingly. Any attempt touse Oracle features that are not supported by a particular mode or clientlibrary/database combination will result in runtime errors.

The Python cryptography package. This package is automatically installed as adependency of python-oracledb. It is strongly recommended that you keep thecryptography package up to date whenever new versions are released. If thecryptography package is not available, you can still install python-oracledbbut can only use it in Thick mode, see Installing python-oracledb without the Cryptography Package.

This will download and install a pre-compiled binary from PyPI if one is available for yourarchitecture. Otherwise, the source will be downloaded, compiled, and theresulting binary installed. Compiling python-oracledb requires thePython.h header file. If you are using the default python package,this file is in the python-devel package or equivalent.

By default, python-oracledb runs in a Thin mode which connects directly toOracle Database so no further installation steps are required. However, to useadditional features available in Thick mode you needOracle Client libraries installed. Oracle Client versions 21, 19, 18, 12 and11.2 are supported.

If you use optional Oracle configuration files such as tnsnames.ora,sqlnet.ora, or oraaccess.xml with Instant Client, then put the filesin an accessible directory, for example in/opt/oracle/your_config_dir. Then use:

Alternatively, put the files in the network/admin subdirectory of InstantClient, for example in /opt/oracle/instantclient_21_6/network/admin.This is the default Oracle configuration directory for executables linkedwith this Instant Client.

If you use optional Oracle configuration files such as tnsnames.ora,sqlnet.ora or oraaccess.xml with Instant Client, then put the filesin an accessible directory, for example in/opt/oracle/your_config_dir. Then use:

Alternatively, put the files in the network/admin subdirectory of InstantClient, for example in /usr/lib/oracle/21/client64/lib/network/admin.This is the default Oracle configuration directory for executables linkedwith this Instant Client.

By default, python-oracledb runs in a Thin mode which connects directly toOracle Database so no further installation steps are required. However, to useadditional features available in Thick mode you needOracle Client libraries installed. Oracle Client versions 21, 19, 18, 12, and11.2 are supported.

If you use optional Oracle configuration files such as tnsnames.ora,sqlnet.ora, or oraaccess.xml with Instant Client, then put the filesin an accessible directory, for example inC:\oracle\your_config_dir. Then use:

Alternatively, put the files in a network\admin subdirectory of InstantClient, for example in C:\oracle\instantclient_19_11\network\admin.This is the default Oracle configuration directory for executables linkedwith this Instant Client.

By default, python-oracledb runs in a Thin mode which connects directly toOracle Database so no further installation steps are required. However, to useadditional features available in Thick mode you needOracle Client libraries installed. Note that to use Thick mode on the M1architecture you will need to use Rosetta with Python 64-bit Intel and theInstant Client (Intel x86) libraries.

If you use optional Oracle configuration files such as tnsnames.ora,sqlnet.ora, or oraaccess.xml with Oracle Instant Client, then put thefiles in an accessible directory, for example in/Users/your_username/oracle/your_config_dir. Then use:

To use python-oracledb in Thick mode you must calloracledb.init_oracle_client() in your application, seeEnabling python-oracledb Thick mode. Without this, your application will get the errorDPY-3016: python-oracledb thin mode cannot be used because the cryptographypackage is not installed.

On Windows and macOS, pass the lib_dir library directory parameterin your oracledb.init_oracle_client() call. The parametershould be the location of your Oracle Client libraries. Do not passthis parameter on Linux.

On Windows, if you are not using passing a library directory parameterto oracledb.init_oracle_client(), then restart your commandprompt and use set PATH to check if the environment variable has thecorrect Oracle Client listed before any other Oracle directories.

If you get the error DPY-3010: connections to this database serverversion are not supported by python-oracledb in thin mode whenconnecting to Oracle Database 11.2, then you need to enable Thick mode byinstalling Oracle Client libraries and callingoracledb.init_oracle_client() in your code. Alternatively,upgrade your database.

If you get the error DPI-1072: the Oracle Client library version isunsupported, then review the installation requirements. The Thickmode of python-oracledb needs Oracle Client libraries 11.2 or later.Note that version 19 is not supported on Windows 7. Similar steps shownabove for DPI-1047 may help. You may be able to use Thin mode whichcan be done by removing calls oracledb.init_oracle_client() fromyour code.

Viewed 1000+ timesYou Asked i use database, Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release i found a java source that gives the mac address of the host, so i wrote it in oracles objects (below from the question)when i write it in eclipse it worksbut when i write it in oracle developer it doest work it gives error,"Error: cannot resolve symbolLine: 20Text: byte[] mac = ni.getHardwareAddress();"question is;how can i correct it in oracle's java ? or how it works ?thanksJAVA class in oracle:----------------------------create or replace and compile java source named macaddres asimport;import;import;import;public class MACADDRES public static String mac() try InetAddress address = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); /* * Get NetworkInterface for the current host and then read the * hardware address. */ NetworkInterface ni = NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress(address); byte[] mac = ni.getHardwareAddress(); /* * Extract each array of mac address and convert it to hexa with the * following format 08-00-27-DC-4A-9E. */ for (int i = 0; i System.out.format("%02X%s", mac[i], (i catch (UnknownHostException e) e.printStackTrace(); catch (SocketException e) e.printStackTrace(); ---------------------------- and Tom said...It is not "Oracle's java", it is "Sun's java"10gr2 comes with j2se 1.4.2 _01/java.102/b14187/chone.htm#BABGJIBB that API call is not available until j2se 1.6 -General-intermediate/how-to-get-mac-address 11g is jdk 1.5 _01/java.111/b31225/whatsnew.htm#CEGIFJEB Rating (6 ratings)Is this answer out of date? If it is, please let us know via a Comment Comments Comment Get Mac adress in datbabase emaduldeen, June 18, 2022 - 7:38 pm UTC

Your first step is to download the Download the Oracle Express Edition version 18c (xe) Linux rpm from Oracle's docker files do support other editions, but the Express Edition is sufficient for getting started.

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