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Dylan Kriglstein
Dylan Kriglstein

Futuh Al-habasha: The Conquest of Abyssinia in PDF Format - A Must-Read for History Lovers

Futuh Al-habasha: The Conquest of Abyssinia PDF Download

If you are interested in the history of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa, you might want to download the PDF of Futuh Al-habasha: The Conquest of Abyssinia, a classic account of the 16th century war between the Somali forces of Imam Ahmad bin Ibrahim al-Ghazi and the Christian kingdom of Ethiopia. This book, written by a Yemeni jurist and eyewitness of some of the battles, is an invaluable source of information and insight into this crucial period of Ethiopian history.

Futuh Al-habasha The Conquest Of Abyssinia Pdf Download

What is Futuh Al-habasha?

Futuh Al-habasha, which means "The Conquest of Abyssinia" in Arabic, is a book written by Shihab al-Din Ahmad bin Abd al-Qadir bin Salim bin Uthman, also known as Arab Faqih. He was a Yemeni scholar who accompanied Imam Ahmad bin Ibrahim al-Ghazi, also known as Ahmad Gran or the Left-handed, in his campaigns against the Ethiopian empire. The book is based on his personal observations and testimonies from other participants. It covers the events from 1529 to 1543, when Imam Ahmad invaded Ethiopia with the support of the Ottoman Empire and the Adal Sultanate, and fought against Emperor Lebna Dengel and his allies. The book describes the battles, sieges, raids, massacres, conversions, and diplomacy that took place during this war. It also gives some information about the geography, culture, religion, and politics of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa at that time.

Why is Futuh Al-habasha important?

Futuh Al-habasha is one of the most important sources for the history of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa in the 16th century. It is one of the few accounts that gives a detailed and vivid description of the war from the perspective of the invaders. It is also one of the earliest examples of Arabic literature in East Africa. The book shows how Imam Ahmad's jihad was motivated by religious zeal, political ambition, and personal revenge. It also shows how the Ethiopians resisted fiercely and defended their faith and sovereignty. The book reveals the complex interactions between Muslims and Christians, Arabs and Africans, Turks and Somalis, in this region. The book also has a literary value, as it uses poetic language, dramatic scenes, and rhetorical devices to narrate the events.

How to download Futuh Al-habasha PDF?

If you want to read Futuh Al-habasha: The Conquest of Abyssinia in PDF format, you can find it online for free on some websites. One of them is The Internet Archive, where you can download or read online the English translation by Paul Lester Stenhouse. Another one is Google Books, where you can download or read online the original Arabic text edited by Rene Basset. You can also buy a paperback edition of the English translation by Stenhouse on or

What are the main events of Futuh Al-habasha?

Futuh Al-habasha: The Conquest of Abyssinia PDF Download covers a series of events that shaped the history of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa in the 16th century. Some of the main events are:

  • The rise of Imam Ahmad bin Ibrahim al-Ghazi, who claimed to be a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad and a leader of the Somali people. He launched a jihad against the Christian kingdom of Ethiopia, which he considered a heretical and oppressive state.

  • The first invasion of Ethiopia by Imam Ahmad in 1529, which was repelled by Emperor Lebna Dengel with the help of Portuguese musketeers. The battle of Shimbra Kure, where thousands of Ethiopians and Somalis died, was one of the bloodiest battles in African history.

  • The second invasion of Ethiopia by Imam Ahmad in 1531, which was more successful and devastating. He captured several cities and regions, including the capital Shewa, and forced many Christians to convert to Islam or flee. He also destroyed many churches, monasteries, and relics, such as the Ark of the Covenant.

  • The siege of Amba Geshen, where Emperor Lebna Dengel and his family were trapped by Imam Ahmad's army for several months. The emperor managed to escape with the help of some loyal nobles, but his son Gelawdewos was captured and later executed by Imam Ahmad.

  • The death of Emperor Lebna Dengel in 1540, and the succession of his son Gelawdewos, who escaped from captivity and rallied the remaining Ethiopian forces. He sought assistance from Portugal, which sent a fleet of ships and soldiers under Cristovao da Gama, the son of Vasco da Gama.

  • The final confrontation between Imam Ahmad and Gelawdewos in 1543, which ended with the death of both leaders. Imam Ahmad was killed by a Portuguese musket shot at the battle of Wayna Daga, while Gelawdewos was killed by a Somali spear at the battle of Wofla. Their deaths marked the end of the war and the restoration of Ethiopian sovereignty.

What are the main themes of Futuh Al-habasha?

Futuh Al-habasha: The Conquest of Abyssinia PDF Download explores some themes that are relevant to the history and culture of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa. Some of the main themes are:

  • The clash between Islam and Christianity, which was not only a religious conflict but also a political and ethnic one. The book shows how both sides used their faith as a source of motivation, justification, and identity. It also shows how some people switched their allegiance or coexisted peacefully with the other side.

  • The role of foreign intervention, which was both a blessing and a curse for Ethiopia. The book shows how Portugal helped Ethiopia to resist Imam Ahmad's invasion, but also how it tried to impose its own interests and influence on Ethiopia. It also shows how the Ottoman Empire supported Imam Ahmad with weapons and soldiers, but also how it competed with him for regional dominance.

  • The impact of war on society, which was devastating and traumatic for both sides. The book shows how war caused massive loss of life, displacement, famine, disease, and destruction. It also shows how war affected the culture, religion, art, and literature of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa.

What are the main challenges of Futuh Al-habasha?

Futuh Al-habasha: The Conquest of Abyssinia PDF Download is not an easy book to read or understand. It has some challenges that might make it difficult for some readers. Some of the main challenges are:

  • The language and style of the book, which is written in classical Arabic with a lot of poetic expressions, metaphors, and allusions. The book also uses some archaic and unfamiliar terms and names that might confuse some readers. The book also has some grammatical and spelling errors that might affect its readability.

  • The bias and perspective of the author, who was clearly on the side of Imam Ahmad and his followers. The book portrays Imam Ahmad as a hero and a martyr, and the Ethiopians as infidels and oppressors. The book also exaggerates some of the achievements and victories of Imam Ahmad, and minimizes or omits some of his failures and losses. The book also does not give much attention to the views and experiences of the Ethiopians or other groups involved in the war.

  • The accuracy and reliability of the book, which is based on the author's personal observations and testimonies from other participants. The book might contain some errors, omissions, contradictions, or inconsistencies that might affect its credibility. The book also might not reflect the whole picture or the complexity of the situation, as it focuses mainly on the military aspects of the war.

What are the main benefits of Futuh Al-habasha?

Despite its challenges, Futuh Al-habasha: The Conquest of Abyssinia PDF Download is a valuable and fascinating book that offers many benefits for its readers. Some of the main benefits are:

  • The historical and cultural value of the book, which is one of the few sources that gives a detailed and vivid account of the 16th century war between Ethiopia and Somalia. The book provides a lot of information and insight into this crucial period of Ethiopian history that shaped its identity and destiny. The book also sheds light on the history and culture of Somalia, Yemen, Turkey, and other regions involved in the war.

  • The literary and artistic value of the book, which is one of the earliest examples of Arabic literature in East Africa. The book showcases the skill and creativity of the author, who uses poetic language, dramatic scenes, and rhetorical devices to narrate the events. The book also reflects the emotions and sentiments of the author and his people, who experienced a great adventure and tragedy.

  • The educational and inspirational value of the book, which can teach its readers many lessons and values. The book can teach its readers about courage, faith, perseverance, loyalty, sacrifice, and resilience in the face of adversity. The book can also inspire its readers to learn more about their own history and culture, as well as those of others.

What are the main sources of Futuh Al-habasha?

Futuh Al-habasha: The Conquest of Abyssinia PDF Download is based on the original Arabic text written by Shihab al-Din Ahmad bin Abd al-Qadir bin Salim bin Uthman, also known as Arab Faqih. He was a Yemeni jurist who accompanied Imam Ahmad bin Ibrahim al-Ghazi in his campaigns against Ethiopia. He wrote his book sometime after 1543, when Imam Ahmad was killed in battle. The original manuscript of his book is not extant, but there are several copies and editions that have been preserved in various libraries and co

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