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Matt Holly
Matt Holly

下载Total Commander 10.00 IT Edition 4.4全功能版,免费无广告

免费下载Total Commander 10.00 IT Edition 4.4完整版强大的文件管理工具

如果你正在寻找一款功能强大易用高效的文件管理器那么你一定不能错过Total Commander 10.00 IT Edition 4.4完整版这是一款基于Total Commander 10.00 Final的优化版集成了许多实用的插件工具和主题让你的文件管理更加方便快捷和美观

Total Commander 10.00 IT Edition 4.4 Full

Total Commander是一款非常受欢迎的文件管理器拥有所有文件管理器所需的功能除了常见的文件操作外Total Commander还内置了多媒体和图形文件的便捷查看器支持ZIP, ARJ, LZH, RAR, UC2, TAR, GZ, CAB, ACE等多种压缩格式还有非常方便的ftp客户端可以多线程下载/上传文件支持www-proxy甚至可以定时连接指定的ftp服务器此外Total Commander还支持UUE/MIME/XXE编码/解码和长文件的切割/合并以及许多其他非常必要的文件操作功能

Total Commander 10.00 IT Edition 4.4完整版是由DimitarSerg制作的一款优化版相比其他版本有以下优点

  • 相对较小的体积

  • 大量可选安装的插件包括压缩解压查看编辑等功能

  • 必要的小巧的和方便的工具用于解决日常任务

  • 独特的按钮用于加速执行常用操作

  • 支持优化修复新版本中的错误

Total Commander 10.00 IT Edition 4.4完整版还集成了以下程序

  • Anvir Task Manager (+x64 hook) - 系统进程管理器

  • Autoruns (x32/x64) - 系统启动项管理器

  • CCleaner (x32/x64) + winapp.ini - 系统垃圾清理工具

  • CleanAfterMe - 清理系统痕迹工具

  • CurrPorts (x32/x64) - 端口监控工具

  • DecryptTC - 解密Total Commander密码工具

  • Defraggler (x32/x64) - 磁盘碎片整理工具

  • FastStone Capture Portable - 屏幕截图工具

  • grepWin (x32/x64) - 文件搜索和替换工具

  • HashTools (HashCheck.dll, fciv.exe, wxcksums) - 文件哈希计算工具

  • HWiNFO (x32/x64) - 硬件信息检测工具

  • Impopezia TC Colors Presets - Total Commander颜色主题包

  • InnoEx (fixed by DimitarSerg) - Inno Setup安装包解包工具

  • Instant Demo Studio - 屏幕录制工具

  • KeePass - 密码管理器

  • LanWhoIs - 域名查询工具

  • MPress - 可执行文件压缩工具

  • MyEventViewer (x32/x64) - 系统事件查看器

NetRouteView -

网络插件 (wdx) - AceHelper - Allows to view properties of ACE archives. - Also it add unpacking of ACE SFX archives. Exif - Allows to view EXIF information in JPEG files. FileX - Allows to view extended file properties. Media - Allows to view properties of video and audio files. MhtUnPack - Allows work with MHT files as with ordinary folders. NTLinks - Allows to view and edit NTFS junction points and symbolic links. RpmWdx - Allows to view properties of RPM packages. ShellDetails - Allows to view shell details (like in Explorer columns) for any files. TCMediaInfo - Allows to view properties of video and audio files using MediaInfo library. Uninstaller64 - Allows to view installed applications on x64 systems.

内容插件 (wlx) - ArchView - Allows to view contents of some archive files within Total Commander. Imagine - Image and animation viewer with support of many formats. IrfanView - Image viewer with support of many formats. ListDoc - Allows to view contents of some MS Office files: DOC, XLS, PPT, VSD, PUB, SNP and sources: C++, Java, Pascal, Basic and other. SLister - Allows to view contents PDF, DjVu and some MS Office files: DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, VSDX using SumatraPDF application.

文件系统插件 (wfx) - Android ADB - Allows to work with Android devices via ADB interface. Cloud - Allows to work with cloud services: Google Drive, DropBox, OneDrive, Yandex Disk and Cloud. EventNT - Allows to work with Windows NT event logs. FSClipboard - Allows to work with Windows clipboard as with regular folder. HTTP Browser - Allows to browse web servers as regular folders in Total Commander. NTFS4TC - Allows to work with NTFS streams and junction points. Registry - Allows to work with Windows registry as with regular folder.

如果你想免费下载Total Commander 10.00 IT Edition 4.4完整版你可以访问以下网址 其中提供了磁力链接和详细的安装说明你也可以在这些网址上找到更多关于这款文件管理器的信息和反馈Total Commander 10.00 IT Edition 4.4完整版是一款值得拥有的文件管理工具它可以让你的文件操作更加高效便捷和愉快 c5e3be4c90

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